To gain access to your child's information through the Sapphire Community Web Portal, this form must be filled out and submitted electronically. You may also print out this form and mail it to the South Eastern School District Administration Building in lieu of submitting it electronically.

Sapphire Community Web Portal Application

School District: South Eastern School District
Current School Year: 2024
Contact Name: SESD Sapphire Support
Contact E-mail Address:
School District's Community Portal Help Desk Phone Number: 382-4843 x6333

Family Information
(first) (last)
(Parent, Guardian, Custodian, Foster Parent)
Address 1:*
Address 2:
City:* State:*
Zip Code:*
Home Phone:* Work Phone: Cell Phone:

Children Information
First Name* Last Name* Date of Birth*
Grade* School*
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3
Child 4
Child 5
Child 6

Login Information (You will be required to know your Username, Password, and a system-assigned PIN to access to your child's information.)
Confirm Password:*
Sample Security Questions:
Security Question:*
Security Answer:*
* Indicates required fields